ET: Over the Apple


An ingenious and happening wallpaper of the celebrated scene from ET where he flies over the Apple logo in place of the moon.

It must be admitted that Apple has a lot of ingenuity and a sense of humour, as is clearly shown in this wallpaper, called ET: Over the Apple.

In ET: Over the Apple you can see a homage/parody of the popular movie ET from Steven Spielberg. In it there is the most famous scene of the whole movie, where ET and Elliot fly through the sky on bicycles past an immense moon. However, here that moon has been replaced by the unmistakeable Apple logo. A fun wallpaper for all cine fans and also all fans of Apple.

ET: Over the Apple is 1280x853 pixel sized.


ET: Over the Apple related downloads

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An ingenious wallpaper of the Linux's Tux sucking on a Windows-inspired drink.

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A wallpaper in which you can see Tux, the famous Linux mascot, twice.

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A fun wallpaper where Tux and Beastie burn Windows XP on the campfire.

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A wallpaper where penguins run around a melting Windows logo.